CX_props_addeventlink_text.txt CalendarX 0.6.6(stable) January 03 2006 (last modified for CalendarX 0.6.5) by +lupa+ (lupaz on, lupa at zurven dot com) Released under the GPL (see LICENSE.txt) Instructions for properties in CX_props_addeventlink. The "Add New Event" link is a means of making it easier for calendar users to add new events to your calendar. It places a link in the SubjectLinks bar that takes users to an appropriate place to add events. Because there are many places/ways that Plone allows you to add events, we've provided several options for how to control who gets what link. Your suggestions (and code) for more options are gratefully accepted. *WARNING* Misconfiguration of these options can cause error messages for your users... and it's not my fault. Make sure that your calendar users have the correct permissions to add events in the folders where you point them using this link. Read all the directions. *YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.* === List of Attributes === title string Leave this title attribute alone. showAddEventLink boolean Check this to include an "Add New Event" link in the SubjectLinks bar. Controls for this link are below. If more than one of the boolean controls below are checked, the ones below will take priority over the ones above. For example, if both useANEFolder and useRolesAndFolders are checked, but the current user does not have one of the specified Roles, then the link target will fall back to the specified ANEFolderPath. The order of these priorities is determined by the code in the Python script "getAddNewEventURL". If no match is found, then a blank string will be returned to the macro, and a condition there will cause NO "Add New Event" link to be shown. This way you can restrict display of this link to only certain users or to users with certain roles. The first two choices (useMemberFolder and useANEFolder) are shown to all Authenticated users, if selected. useCreateObjectOnClick boolean createObjectOnClickCommand string Together, these two properties tell the link to instantiate a new Event object in the target folder. Check this if you want to have the link automatically initiate editing of a new event for the user. Uncheck this property if you want the Add New Event link to simply take the user to a target folder without starting a new Event object automatically. The createObjectOnClickCommand string is the command that is carried in the query string of the link's URL target if you are using the useCreateObjectOnClick property. The default string is: createObject?type_name=Event which will create a new Event object in the target folder of the link. If you have a different event type that you would like to create, replace the meta_name "Event" with the appropriate meta_name of your desired event type. If you use this feature, it is advisable to also set your portal to use the portal_factory for initiating Events, so that if a user clicks on the link to start a new event but then decides not to finish it, the event will not be abandoned half-finished. Portal_factory will simply create a temporary version and then delete it if left unfinished by the user. useMemberFolder boolean Check this so that the link will take users to their default Member folder where they can add Events. *WARNING* If your users do not have a default Member folder, or if it is located somewhere funny (not in "mysite/Members/username") then this option may cause an error for your users. useMemberSubfolder boolean memberSubfolderPath string Check this property if you want events to be instantiated in a subfolder of a user's Member folder. For example, if all your users are musicians in bands (or groupies perhaps) and they post their band gigs on the calendar, then you might want all the events to be saved in a specific subfolder, such as "/Members/username/gigs". The proper format for the target folder is relative to the /Members/username folder and should start with a slash, e.g.: "/gigs" NOTE: ONLY use this if you are certain that users WILL have the named subfolder in their user folder. Otherwise it will return 404, page not found error, or something closely related. useANEFolder boolean ANEFolderPath string Together, these allow you to specify a single folder that will be the target of the link. The proper format for the target folder is relative to the portal_root and should start with a slash, e.g.: "/somefolderintheroot/thefolderforevents" useUsersAndFolders boolean listOfUsersAndFolders lines Together, these allow you to specify a combination of a username and a corresponding single folder that will be the target of the link for that specific user. The proper format for each line is as follows: "username|folderpath" where the "pipe" character (a vertical slash) is used as a separator between the username and folder path. The proper format for the target folder is relative to the portal_root and should start with a slash, e.g.: "/somefolderintheroot/thefolderforevents" An example with two possible role|folder lines: lupa|/calendar/specialevents davos|/calendar/drearyevents If no matching username is found, the priority rules described above will take over to find a suitable target for the user. useRolesAndFolders boolean listOfRolesAndFolders lines Together, these allow you to specify a combination of a Role and a corresponding single folder that will be the target of the link for all users with that Role. The proper format for each line is as follows: "rolename|folderpath" where the "pipe" character (a vertical slash) is used as a separator between the role name and folder path. The proper format for the target folder is relative to the portal_root and should start with a slash, e.g.: "/somefolderintheroot/thefolderforevents" An example with two possible role|folder lines: Manager|/calendar/specialevents Member|/calendar/ordinaryevents The lookup stops when a matching role is found for the user. For example, if the Manager logs in, the link for the Manager will target the folder called "specialevents", even though the Manager is also (likely) a Member of the site. If no matching role is found, the priority rules described above will take over to find a suitable target for the user.