CX_props_eventdisplays_text.txt CalendarX 0.6.6(stable) January 03 2006 (last modified for CalendarX 0.6.1) by +lupa+ (lupaz on, lupa at zurven dot com) Released under the GPL (see LICENSE.txt) Instructions for properties in CX_props_eventdisplays. Use the Properties tab to adjust the attributes of the Event as displayed on the calendar views. These properties control the icons available for display and also the CSS classes. You can choose to control icons and CSS classes according to the Subject of the Event, or according to the Type of the Event. === List of Attributes === title string Leave this title attribute alone. useSubjectIcons boolean listOfSubjectIcons lines If checked, this will cause the views to choose an icon for each event based on the Subject names found in the list. The list consists of a lines attribute where each line consists of a Subject and an icon ID, separated by a pipe ( | ) character. For example: Work|event_work_icon.gif where Work is the subject. Your subject names should (must!) match the actual subjects you use for your events, or this method will not work well. Actually, it will just pull the default event_icon.gif from the Plone skin if there is any problem finding a matching subject name or icon ID. This property is handy for making your events more visibly recognizable in your calendar page. The default icon size is 16x16 pixels, with some white (or clear) pixel space on the right and left sides. I haven't tested it with larger icons, but keeping to a modest size might be a good idea. Add your event icons into your /portal_skins/custom folder, or put them directly into your calendar instance folder for (slightly) better performance. useSubjectCSSClasses boolean listOfSubjectCSSClasses lines If checked, this will cause the views to choose a CSS class for each event based on the Subject names found in the list. The list consists of a lines attribute where each line consists of a Subject and a CSS class name, separated by a pipe ( | ) character. For example: US Holiday|event_usholiday where Work is the subject, and event_usholiday is the CSS class name. Your subject names should (must!) match the actual subjects you use for your events, or this method will not work well. Actually, it will just pull the default event_published CSS class from the Plone skin if there is any problem finding a matching subject name or icon ID. This nicely allows you to apply styles like font color to your event listings according to the Subject of the event. Put your custom styles into your calendar.css stylesheet, or into a customized version of the ploneCustom.css stylesheet if you prefer (the sample ones I've created for default use are found in calendar.css). An example of a CSS class listing I used to use a blue text color for the "Appointment" event subject: A.event_appointment { COLOR: #0000CC; TEXT-DECORATION: none; } A.event_appointment:hover { COLOR: #0000FF; TEXT-DECORATION: none; } Additionally, if you want the Subjects in the Subject listing at the top of the calendar to reflect these same CSS classes, you have to add these too. Example ones (for Appointment, etc.) are in calendar.css for you to customize. They are in a SPAN tag and look like this: TABLE.caltabs TD.barright2 SPAN.event_appointment { COLOR: #0000CC; TEXT-DECORATION: none; } *** ONE MORE NOTE about these. Make sure in your listOfSubjectCSSClasses and listOfSubjectIcons lines properties that you use the actual SUBJECT name and not any Subject nicknames you might use for display (as defined in the listOfSubjectTitles property in CX_props_calendar. Those labels won't work here, only the actual subject will work. *** AND ONE MORE NOTE. The following two properties (useEventTypeIcons and useEventTypeCSSClasses) take precedence over useSubjectTypeIcons and useSubjectCSSClasses if, for unknown reasons, BOTH have been selected. There's no real reason to select both... only one can work at a time, and I chose to make the EventType ones take priority. Go figure. useEventTypeIcons boolean listOfEventTypeIcons lines If checked, this will cause the views to choose an icon for each event based on the Event Type (portal_type). The list consists of a lines attribute where each line consists of an Event Type and an icon ID, separated by a pipe ( | ) character. For example: Event|event_icon.gif where Event is the portal_type. useEventTypeCSSClasses boolean listOfEventTypeCSSClasses lines If checked, this will cause the views to choose a CSS class for each event based on the Event Type (portal_type). The list consists of a lines attribute where each line consists of a Subject and a CSS class name, separated by a pipe ( | ) character. For example: AT Event|atevent_class where AT Event is the portal_type, and atevent_class is the CSS class name.