OVERVIEW.txt CalendarX 0.6.6(stable) January 03 2006 (last modified for CalendarX 0.6.5) by +lupa+ (lupaz on sf.net, lupa at zurven dot com) Released under the GPL (see LICENSE.txt) Pretty current summary of CalendarX functionality Basic Feature list (0.6 branch): * i18n: English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Dutch, Danish, Czech, Spanish, Catalan and Portuguese-Brazilian are the first translations, others to follow as contributed. * Calendar views validate as proper XHTML 1.0 Transitional (at w3c.org). * Provides basic calendar functionality with standard Plone content (CMFEvents, AT Events, custom AT events when registered in CalendarX property sheets). * Multimonth, Month, Week by day, Week by hour, Day views available. * Metacalendar: Categorize your Events using the Subject attribute standard on all Plone/CMF events. Choose categories in a bar just below the View tabs. Change subjects in portal_metadata tool. Choose between ONE subject at a time, or MULTIPLE subjects at one time. * Many configuration options available through use of property sheets, including decoration of the calendar, decoration of events by Subject or Type, putting restrictions on the type, location or subject of events shown, etc. * Day and WeekByHour views can be easily managed to display fractional days: from 8am to 6pm, for example. Hours displayed on these can be set to 12 or 24 hour formats. Hours or half-hour periods can be displayed. * Late events (after midnight) can be shown on the "later events" portion of the day and weekbyhour views, or shown as early events on those views, being configured with a simple property to set the hour that separates them. These are NOT used with the other views, just day and weekbyhour views. * Multiple calendars can be created within one Plone site. Customized property sheets for each calendar can (should) be stored within each calendar so that calendar properties will be unique. Also any python scripts, javascripts, CSS files can be uniquely customized for any one calendar. * Subcalendars - nested calendars and modifications to the Subject links that allow busy calendars to be subdivided beyond just Subject usage. Good for school calendars, Resource scheduling (equipment reservations), etc. * Private calendars: All your users automatically have a private calendar, if they so choose. They can just add Events and set them to "private" status, and then only they can see them on their calendar. * "Add New Event" link, with customizable destination folders depending on user and/or Roles. * Customize a "calendar help" page for your newbie users. Help appears as a tab, if you choose to make it available, and is customizable. * Installs as a normal Plone Product, addable as Plone content, but also may be added through the ZMI. * No Dependencies: Only needs Plone standard products. Will use Dieter's ManagableIndex and AdvancedQuery products if desired. Or not. * Prints nicely from most browsers (using a special CSS sheet for printing). Planned features for future branches: * Group calendar support through GRUF 3.0. * Repeat events. * i18n support * iCal export and import. Does export now, sorta, if you use ATCT Events (that functionality is built in to ATCT Events). === CalendarX builds on a proud tradition of other Zope/Plone products, and gathers strength through the tremendous efforts of its users (see CREDITS.txt). ===